templates/website/home/school-numbers-section.html.twig line 1

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  1. <div class="{% if  section is defined and section.background %} sec-bg-alt {% endif %}">
  2.     <section class="estatisticas">
  3.         {% if userNumber >= 50 %}
  4.             <div class="div-number-one stat">
  5.                 <span class="ico">
  6.                     <i class="fas fa-book-reader fa-2x"></i>
  7.                 </span>
  8.                 <p class="valor">{{ userNumber|number_format(null, ',', '.') }}</p>
  9.                 <p class="campo">{{ getLanguage('students_numbers', 'home') }}</p>
  10.             </div>
  11.         {% endif %}
  12.         {% if courseNumber > 0 %}
  13.             <div class="div-number-two stat">
  14.                 <span class="ico">
  15.                     <i class="fas fa-book fa-2x"></i>
  16.                 </span>
  17.                 <p class="valor">{{ courseNumber|number_format(null, ',', '.') }}</p>
  18.                 <p class="campo">{{ getLanguage('courses_numbers', 'home') }}</p>
  19.             </div>
  20.         {% endif %}
  21.         {% if foumNumber > 0 and isModuleActive('forum_module') %}
  22.             <div class="div-number-three stat">
  23.                 <span class="ico">
  24.                     <i class="fas fa-comment-dots fa-2x"></i>
  25.                 </span>
  26.                 <p class="valor">{{ foumNumber|number_format(null, ',', '.') }}</p>
  27.                 <p class="campo">{{ getLanguage('topics_numbers', 'home') }}</p>
  28.             </div>
  29.         {% endif %}
  30.         {% if courseTestimonialNumber > 0 %}
  31.             <div class="div-number-four stat">
  32.                 <span class="ico">
  33.                     <i class="fas fa-thumbs-up fa-2x"></i>
  34.                 </span>
  35.                 <p class="valor">{{ courseTestimonialNumber|number_format(null, ',', '.') }}</p>
  36.                 <p class="campo">{{ getLanguage('tests_numbers', 'home') }}</p>
  37.             </div>
  38.         {% endif %}
  39.         {% if courseCertificateNumber > 0 and isModuleActive('course_certificate_module') %}
  40.             <div class="div-number-five stat">
  41.                 <span class="ico">
  42.                     <i class="fas fa-graduation-cap fa-2x"></i>
  43.                 </span>
  44.                 <p class="valor">{{ courseCertificateNumber|number_format(null, ',', '.') }}</p>
  45.                 <p class="campo">{{ getLanguage('certificates_numbers', 'home') }}</p>
  46.             </div>
  47.         {% endif %}
  48.     </section>
  49. </div>